
If Gianko idol is the the john Lennon of Cachicamoconcaspa, – The Venezuelan’s number 1 band- Yaramí would be George Harrison, Ringo Starr and Billy Preston merged into a unique tropical flavor’s factory. Anyway, the story of this band, a band like no other ever seen, begins in their hometown in Barquisimeto – Venezuela. With their debut «Autotitulado» album. Continues with the cover version «Muerto en Choroní» of their countrymen band Circo Urbano and finally is devoted with the release of their first LP. «Pura Cabilla«. Which was recorded in their rooms with computers so precarious that it seems hard to believe the incredible disc that they made.

This disc includes versions of classics like «Sweet Child O ‘Mine» by Guns & Roses and «â€œCuando Calienta el Sol» by Luis Miguel, a song that later became important in the story when is sung by Gianko in front of the judges on a Latin American singing competition. But let’s wait to see the rest of the story.

Success was waiting for them; everybody could feel it. That’s why they didn’t take long to start the production of «A Pulir La Hebilla«, LP that in a very short time would make them the most commented band of Venezuelan underground.

One thing for collectors, this was the first album that was released by the now ubiquitous netdisquera Fan Zinatra records. The Clamor of the critics was immediate, in a very short time was reviewed by half Internet. Including a review of the theme «Imagine (John Lennon cover)» on Pitchfork Media, which is still envied by all the independent bands from Latin America. At this time, everyone believed that the Cachicamo was on top. At that time nobody expected Latin American Idol’s boom.

Since the beginning were giant, debuted in BlogStock cement their trust in a private event in front of an audience who knew what was coming over. Immediately later they appeared for the first time in public, the hand by hand versus los Henry Zakka, another Barquisimeto band, was complete crowded in the Music venue Alter of that city.

The «imagine» video is come off from that day directed by the star of the underground Venezuela media Ed Vill. Debuted in Caracas with an incredible performance at the Moulin Rouge but was the next day that made history on «El Último Vaso 2» a private party in which they made bailar pegao to all the Caracas celebrities. The following one was Maracaibo, city that opened the doors wide to them. So much so that by the time of writing this biography is the city that they have played the most. So much so that Gianko now lives there.

Anyway, for Those who Have Not Seen the cachicamo’s show, are being lost at least half of the world’s story. One thing is to listen to the recordings, which are downloaded by thousands of people every month, but another is to see the amazing spectacle of these two titans on the scene. In Venezuela there is no frontman who can match it to Gianko. No one is even close. Yaramí completes the key playing the role of straight guy, without fail a note, or a laugh line.

The Cachicamoconcaspa’s live show of is so amazing that at this moment they are one of the best paid band of the country. And without Pepsi sponsorship –or anything like that-.

And so we come to the present, where these paladins come to us with their most ambitious project to date: «Doble Infarto Bailable«. Double: An album full of hits in spanish, another album full of hits in English. «Doble Infarto Bailable» is so amazing that it was impossible to choose a single. Dear audience is up to you which want to listen.

The future looks bright for the dúo maravilla they already conquered Venezuela and now they have their sight on the rest of the world. In the coming years the tropical boom will be so incessant that it is better to surrender and run to get a Leyko tattoo once and for all.

By: Amilcar Ortega
CEO Fanzinatra Discos

Translated by: Alejandra -31it3- Quintero


Doble Infarto Bailable

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